Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 7- Synthesis and Creativity

Nathaniel W

PLEs are fantastic examples of the process of knowledge construction in the 21st century. This knowledge construction is based on research, creative design, collaboration, evaluation, and synthesis. The process of designing, controlling, and collaborating with a PLE, allows for the learner to meet the highest level of thinking skills in regards to Bloom’s taxonomy. Along with synthesizing and evaluating information, PLEs emphasize the affective domain as well. Creativity is the process of proposing solutions, while synthesis is the evaluation of these ideas in establishing said solution. Both are critical to the learning process so that a valid and accurate response can be reached. One of the largest challenges that exist in the Web 2.0 environment is the ability of a learner to find accurate and current facts to further their ideas and ultimately advance their solution.

Knowledge is built upon many individuals/ideas being refined until a workable product is assembled. PLE’s open the opportunity for rapid advances in knowledge and practices, which will advance knowledge at an unforeseen rate. The internet has allowed for collaboration to be a global endeavor between multiple universities and professionals. Information has never been more easily accessible, with an ease of collaboration at any previous time in history.

What I really enjoy about the “PLE learning experience” is the ability of the learner to choose their path of learning. As in the typical school atmosphere, the arts classes are the prime locations for students to express their creative interest and talents. Within the PLE’s students are able to build learning environments to further their knowledge in areas of interest. Building a learning environment around people’s intelligence and communication skills, will ultimately be the core foundations upon the which new sectors of job creation are found. These new jobs will emphasize imagination and creativity.

Innovation and creative thinking are going to be the driving factors behind the success of our citizens in the global economy. We are fortunate to have a universal education system, but the content must be relevant to the upcoming job market. This is going to he a huge evolution in facilitating of the learning process. We must foster creative thinking and innovation within the K-12 setting.

We are facing an unpredictable and ever evolving job market. Jobs that previously existed for the past 30 years will cease to exist, while jobs we never dreamed of will be a staple in tomorrow’s society. Schools must shift from “what you know” to “how you think”. This is going to be imperative to our success as a country. We must be able to “outthink” the competition, through the use of creative and innovative thinking. This includes the ability of learners to try new things, without a fear of failure. Failure must be an acceptable conclusion in the process of learning. Upon these failures, the learner will continue to evolve the process until the desired result is achieved. This will be the staple of 21st century learning.

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