Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week 8

My understanding of personal learning environments has been totally transformed by enrolling in this course. I have found that PLE’s are engaging, organized, and provide an ease of collaboration with professionals of similar interest. The personal learning environment was just that- it was a learning experience in an environment in which I was previously unfamiliar. Most impressive was the sense of empowerment and ownership I had in regards to my learning and advancing my knowledge.

As a newcomer to PLE’s, I would gradually ease them into my classroom, until I became more of an expert in this area. I feel this would be a great gifted project for next school year. Students would investigate a hobby or topic of interest; gather resources on a “start page” like Symbaloo. As they gather resources, they would network with professionals for assistance, and engage in meaningful dialogue with other learners.

Ways we can evaluate PLE”s most effectively, would be in regards to the effort that students put into the project. Personally, I feel the most effective means of evaluating a PLE is by providing a rubric of how many contacts must be made, how many reference sites on their page, and their interactions with other learners. Providing a simplistic rubric, which emphasizes the “number” of contacts/resources would give learners a baseline to measurable baseline.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 7- Synthesis and Creativity

Nathaniel W

PLEs are fantastic examples of the process of knowledge construction in the 21st century. This knowledge construction is based on research, creative design, collaboration, evaluation, and synthesis. The process of designing, controlling, and collaborating with a PLE, allows for the learner to meet the highest level of thinking skills in regards to Bloom’s taxonomy. Along with synthesizing and evaluating information, PLEs emphasize the affective domain as well. Creativity is the process of proposing solutions, while synthesis is the evaluation of these ideas in establishing said solution. Both are critical to the learning process so that a valid and accurate response can be reached. One of the largest challenges that exist in the Web 2.0 environment is the ability of a learner to find accurate and current facts to further their ideas and ultimately advance their solution.

Knowledge is built upon many individuals/ideas being refined until a workable product is assembled. PLE’s open the opportunity for rapid advances in knowledge and practices, which will advance knowledge at an unforeseen rate. The internet has allowed for collaboration to be a global endeavor between multiple universities and professionals. Information has never been more easily accessible, with an ease of collaboration at any previous time in history.

What I really enjoy about the “PLE learning experience” is the ability of the learner to choose their path of learning. As in the typical school atmosphere, the arts classes are the prime locations for students to express their creative interest and talents. Within the PLE’s students are able to build learning environments to further their knowledge in areas of interest. Building a learning environment around people’s intelligence and communication skills, will ultimately be the core foundations upon the which new sectors of job creation are found. These new jobs will emphasize imagination and creativity.

Innovation and creative thinking are going to be the driving factors behind the success of our citizens in the global economy. We are fortunate to have a universal education system, but the content must be relevant to the upcoming job market. This is going to he a huge evolution in facilitating of the learning process. We must foster creative thinking and innovation within the K-12 setting.

We are facing an unpredictable and ever evolving job market. Jobs that previously existed for the past 30 years will cease to exist, while jobs we never dreamed of will be a staple in tomorrow’s society. Schools must shift from “what you know” to “how you think”. This is going to be imperative to our success as a country. We must be able to “outthink” the competition, through the use of creative and innovative thinking. This includes the ability of learners to try new things, without a fear of failure. Failure must be an acceptable conclusion in the process of learning. Upon these failures, the learner will continue to evolve the process until the desired result is achieved. This will be the staple of 21st century learning.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wharton Module Six

Nathaniel Wharton

For this week, I would like to state that “I believe in the power of Personal Learning Environments”. At first, I was very skeptical due to the “openness” of this learning process. However, I have discovered that this “openness” that originally turned me against this process has opened my mind to how learning should be conducted. This class has transformed my entire vision of teaching and learning in the 21st century.

Teaching and learning in the 21st century will be driven by technological access and student driven learning practices. The traditional barriers of time and distance have been demolished with the advent of the internet. With the access of information at an all time high, we would be foolish not to tap into this resource to advance the education of our students.

Personal Learning Environments thrive by providing an opportunity for all to advance knowledge and learning. In advancing this information, students are exposed to more relevant content in a stimulating and thought provoking environment.
Along with finding more information, more easily; we are able to organize this information through various web tools. After evaluating various web tools, I found Symbaloo to be the most beneficial in organize my favorite sites. Symbaloo provides a dashboard of information, which provides its users the simplicity of clicking a “link box” and it automatically will load your favorite sites. This site serves as a type of aggregator by bringing the information and topics to you as a learner. This streamlines the learning process and minimizes the continual need to browse for topics of interest.

In this particular assignment, I used my dashboard to organize personal items (like Twitter and Facebook), interest (Energy Saving Practices), and my topic of research (Wine Making). I have found my personal learning environment to be extremely helpful in my hobby of Wine Making. This ranged from sharing recipes to getting “help” regarding various problems, and I have found the entire process to be very educational. The most beneficial contacts I have made were within wine making forums. The responses from fellow vintners were rapid, accurate, and thought provoking.

The panel of experts on various sites ranged from “home brew” wine makers to industrial wine makers. This blend of professionals was fantastic, because it provides a form of differentiation to match the level of the wine maker. Personally, I find myself as a novice in the wine world. This was brought to my attention when I read forums about preserving wine.
I am fairly new to the wine making process, and was able to connect with many professionals to improve my overall practice. Not only was this interesting from a personal standpoint, but it was also very beneficial from a vintner’s perspective. I was able to post any question I had regarding the process, and it was answered quickly with an answer or suggestions. Along with contacting people, I also was able to read other user’s post regarding their questions and problems. This allowed me an insight to a deeper understanding of the problems I may encounter and more importantly, how to solve them.

What I liked most about the personal learning environment is that I controlled my learning. I was able to control what I wanted to research on a particular day, and find solutions. I had total control of my learning environment. This control included collaboration and the ability to delve as deep or as shallow into a particular topic as I saw fit. Personally, I learned more from the “spin off” conversations that started through my discussions with various experts. They often mentioned a term, abbreviation, or procedure upon which I was unaware. This generated a sense of inquiry in my mind to further understand the topic. That is when it clicked: Personal Learning Environments generate inquiry, problem solving, deeper content understanding, and research based motivations within each learner.

This is a tool that I will be sure to apply to my current sixth grade learning environment. I feel this would greatly benefit the students within the sixth grade science curriculum.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wharton Digital Literacy Lesson Plan

Nathaniel P. Wharton
Subject Area: 6th Grade General Science
Topic: Car Designs and the Human Appeal
Time: Three (45 minute) class periods
Learning Objectives:
• Students will be able to classify ideas as either fact or opinions.
• Students will research cognitive connections associated with various colors
• Students will collect information to develop their understanding of their forming opinions
• Students will value different perspectives of their peers
• Students will collect and analyze data to make inferences
• Students will communicate their discovery about what they consider to be appealing and non-appealing features.

National Curriculum Concept (or state):
All standards are based on Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Standards.
PA Standard: 3.1.7 A#1-3, 5
3.1.7 B #1-3
3.1.7 C# 1-3
3.1.7 E #1 and 3
3.2.7 A #1-5
3.2.7 B #1-5
3.2.7 C#1-6
3.2.7 D #1-6

Key Vocabulary:
• Aerodynamics/ Fact/ Opinion/ aesthetic/ psychology/ research/ inferences/ data/

Key Question:- What features of a car make it appealing to a person?

Pre –Learning Activity:
1. Show this website - and have students take the online quiz.
2. Students should be directed to focus on these main areas:” Find information” , “Follow my hobbies and interest”, how to “download stuff”, and “do homework”
3. Review each question in the quiz with the students and explain the concepts of digital literacy.

1. Access this website: and click “photo tour” (2011 Detroit International Auto Show)
2. In the “View by Category” toolbar – pull down and choose “Car”
3. Project each car onto the Promethean Board. Have students record rate each car 1-10 based on aesthetic appeal.
4. As each car still being projected on the Promethean Board, have students circle or highlight what they feel are the “best” features of each car- which influenced their opinion of the car.
5. Keep track of what students choose through the periods: Wheels, Spoilers, Hood, Windshields, etc..
6. Compile a graph in excel that shows the most commonly liked features of cars.
7. Have students infer from the results, what the most important structural design on cars.
8. Watch this video clip Ask students if they agree with the commentator’s analysis? Analyze facts versus opinions and criticism they have about the presenters?
9. Homework- Have students research the ugliest car ever made and find a picture of said car, and submit the “ugliest” car they on our class blog. If students find the “ugliest” car, voted by their peers- you will receive bonus points.
10. The next class day we will project the weblog and rank the cars as: Ugly, Really ugly, I would buy this car for my worst enemy, and I would rather walk 30 miles than ride in the car.

Main Learning Activity (60 minutes)
1) Upon completion of Step #10 listed previous, students will chose partners for their research and design project.
2) Your group has been hired by ________, which is a new car company. Your job is to analyze and propose design features and colors for a car for The 2012 Detroit International Auto Show.
3) Research “Color Psychology” and use the colors you feel will prove to be beneficial to the car and explain why you chose these colors.
4) Look online to find and download pictures you feel will enhance your car. Search Flickr, Google Images, and, to find specific wheel/hood/spoiler/door etc designs for your car. All pictures you incorporate must have a Creative Commons license.
5) Present a simple PowerPoint showing the specific car parts you are going to use.
6) Have students rate each design feature on a scale of 1-5 (Five being the nicest they have ever seen and one being “very bland”).
7) Using this feedback, students will use this data to further their project.

1) Create a generic version of your car on (Create your own car)
2) This is a very basic program but you can modify particular car features to gather a sample group’s response to various design features.
3) Anonymous projection of each car and class vote for best design/appeal.
4) Utilizing the results of this activity, record the suggested features of the most popular cars.
1) The teacher will issue each student a homework sheet that has a picture of 10 of the same color cars, but with varying designs. Students will survey their family members to see which design was their favorite and what they liked about the car.

1. To finalize this project, a class wiki will be started with the title “Car Design Project”.
2. Students will post their final design proposals for their car company on the page. They will also list all pictures of each car part they have chosen.
3. Students will also identify the color/colors of the car.
4. Students will present their designs to their classmates, where they will receive a rating of 1-10 for each car feature.
5. These results will be compiled into Excel and graphed based on the overall appeal of each sample group for each feature.
6. The team with the highest overall score will be awarded extra credit.

Teacher Reflection:
*Complete upon finishing this lesson*

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wharton Week 5 Symbaloo

Nathaniel W.

In one word, I will describe my opinion of the aggregator (Symbaloo) and that word is: AMAZING! So how amazing is Symbaloo? Let me explain in a brief story. My wife, who has been up the past two nights with our sick infant, was getting ready for bed and saw Symbaloo on my screen and said, “What is that, it looks really cool”! I proceeded to show the basics of the aggregator, to which she said- I’m going to make an account for myself tomorrow. Key the angels, because this is coming from a sleep deprived mother, who wanted nothing more than to go to bed.

I love the simplicity of Symbaloo’s dashboard, and the efficiency of receiving information. It is very user friendly, while allows users to efficiently group topics of interest into color coded and organized sections of the dashboard. Over the past five days, I have found myself to use my Symbaloo as my homepage. It’s a great way to start each morning, by quickly accessing my most valued content.

Currently, I am enrolled in three graduate class while working full time- so my time is pretty tight. As the summer approaches and things “calm down”, I am going to take the time link my college work and news feeds. The largest advantage is that this will streamline my current searching methods to find and process current information.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

PLE Mind Map

Nathaniel W.

PLE Mind Map

Friday, March 4, 2011

Week Four- Social Networking

Nathaniel W.
Week 4

My experience within the social networking assignment would be best described as “enjoyable and efficient”. Knowledge is easily acquired, questions are professionally answered, and the ability to offer suggestions has advanced my knowledge within the science of wine making. It provides a learning environment, upon which all others should be build. The research based approach, networking with professionals, and ability to engage in knowledge acquisition, and cooperative collaboration; provides an ideal medium for the advancement of knowledge.

Within my networking in Diigo, I have been able to research, begin conversation, and ask questions to wine making professionals. This has led me to a deeper and richer understanding of the wine making process, while acquiring new strategies to add a unique spin on my home-made wines. The most impressive part is that it has all been done from the comfort of my own home. I have contacted various experts to ask my “pressing questions” regarding my wine making, with the hopes of becoming a better vintner.

Personally, I value the ease of access to professional information, while easily finding help from the comfort of my own home. Social networking sites have dramatically improved the ability to obtain and advance information within a desired field.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Change of Plans- Week 3/4

Throughout my journey of higher education, I have consistently completed task that were required. As I entered my PLE, I decided to complete a topic that I was going to be teaching to my sixth grade class. I figured this would be a great way for me to learn more about a topic, and in turn pass it onto my students. However, as I reviewed the syllabus, I realized that I am able to complete a PLE on any topic of interest, so officially I am changing my topic. My new topic is going to be "Wine Making", which is one of my biggest hobbies as a young professional.

As I was pondering the requirements of this course, I gazed across my basement and saw my carboy full of six gallons of Cabernet Sauvignon, which I am allowing to age before bottling. Over the course of my exploration of a vintner, I have had some really well formed wines, and some that leave much to be desired. Therefore, I am going to utilize this PLE to explore learning environments, while enhancing my knowledge and skills regarding wine making.

Truly, I can openly state that I am very excited to begin my exploration of the strategies, collaboration, and information to enhance my effectiveness in this hobby.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Week Three- Digital Responsibility

As our world becomes more competitive and intellectually advanced, the key to success will be based on a foundation of specialized knowledge in given subject areas. This is the beauty of this PLE and scientific inquiry, where the learner is the center of learning, with the focus being on the depth and breadth of their knowledge in a specialized area. This specialized knowledge is what will drive innovation, creativity, and success in the 21st century .

The tools listed inside this module are fantastic examples of the driving factor of inquiry. Inquiry is most successful when the user has an interest and feels ownership of knowledge. The listed websites allow for efficient and effective growth in knowledge, regarding particular topics. Collecting information and organizing it online, is the beauty behind the social bookmarking, digital note taking, and web clipping.

Personally, I find the social bookmarking feature to be the most beneficial to me within my current setting. By establishing an account in Google Reader, the RSS feeds are constantly incoming to keep me up to date on the most current happenings in my fields of interest. Along with allowing for instantaneous updates, social bookmarking provides an organizational structure for said information. I think digital note taking and web clipping serve a beneficial means by emphasizing the most salient points within a given article. This ability to highlight the salient points in each article provides the ability to specialize on subtopics within each broader topic.

This was the first time I have experienced the site Diigo, which I found to be fascinating. Sites like Diigo, will greatly increase digital literacy and learning in future generations of students. As the wave of the educational future follows the path of digitized text and open source forums, it will be crucial for students to be able to read and comprehend materials they find online. Diigo allows users to highlight, "snap shot", outline, organize, and place "post it notes" on key ideas within the text. As mentioned, this only begins to scratch the true surface of Diigo. All of the information you store within this program is stored in the "cloud", which makes it accessible from any location with internet access: including mobile phones.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Wharton Topic 2- Personal Learning Environment

Nathaniel Wharton
Topic #2

To provide a valid explanation of my personal learning environment, I feel obliged to preface this choice with a brief description of the community in which I teach. According to the latest census, the median family income is approximately $35,000. Along with being economically depressed, it is estimated that only 13% of the population has obtained a college degree. Due to the lack of economic and educational opportunities for residents, much of the most current information is not acquired by residents. Within my science curriculum, I try to build upon action projects to assist students in learning, while passing the information to their guardians.

One of the largest issues our country is facing is the “energy crisis”, which will only grow exponentially over the next decade. This exponential growth in demand for energy will result in higher energy prices. In an already financially disadvantaged area, family budgets will continue to decrease to meet the increasing energy cost. To help prepare my students and their families for the future, I decided to purse Increasing the Energy Efficiency of Homes as my topic of inquiry upon which I hope to build a personal learning environment.

Upon looking over this coursework, I decided to undertake a project that will prove to be educational, interesting, and beneficial to the students and residents of my district. This information will prove beneficial to my family, my fellow residents, and ultimately the environment as a whole. To begin this project, I have issued an “Energy Inventory”, where students interview and collect data about their energy usage. As an example of the need for this project in my ninth period class, there are 624 light bulbs in 22 student homes, which are incandescent versus the energy saving compact fluorescent bulbs. Personally, I am hoping that this PLE will assist me in creating a learning environment for myself, along with members of the community for saving energy.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

N. Wharton edg6931- Week One Reflections!

  1. What are your learning goals for this course?
  2. In what ways are you hoping to connect what you learn here with your own practice?

(1) Initially, the goal of this course will be to provide me with a more current approach to teaching methodology and in facilitating the learning process. Despite graduating seven years ago, it is obvious that technology is modifying and advancing the learning process. I know this is an area of weakness for me, which is why I enrolled in this program- to enhance my educational skills. Personally, I am hoping this class will teach me strategies along with ways of educating that will prepare my students for the 21st century job market. Lastly, I would like how to effectively transfer ownership of the learning process to the students in a motivating, effective, and engaging way. Personally, the last is the most relevant to my reason for enrolling in this course. As an educator, I want students to explore, expand, and create their own knowledge, with the intention that it will foster and encourage innovative thinking.

(2) As the course is titled “Personal Learning Environments for Inquiry K-12”, I am hoping to have students’ create/utilize/explore digital learning environments that encourage their interest, knowledge, and collaboration in regards to topics of interest. While working on the aforementioned topic, I hope to directly implement what I learn to improve my current curriculum. One of my hopes is that this course serves as a “Make and Take” course, where it provides me with educationally relevant ideas and concepts to enrich my current teaching environment.